
Sam hyde 2070 paradigm shift transcript
Sam hyde 2070 paradigm shift transcript

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sam hyde 2070 paradigm shift transcript

wrote back and said, ‘Wow, that’s exciting. So it’s like broken window theory there, or whatever the f-k. Hyde said: “I told them I had just returned from Mogadishu where I was shooting war journalism following this group of women cleaning up the neighborhood, and by picking up trash, they had lowered crime rate. was not immediately available to comment afterward, but Hyde allegedly fed them a good story.

sam hyde 2070 paradigm shift transcript sam hyde 2070 paradigm shift transcript

One wonders if the organizers of TEDx whiffed on vetting Hyde, which wouldn’t have taken more than a few minutes of Googling. Philadelphia Magazine explained how Hyde snuck his way onto the panel: We’re gonna use some reverence here and not be silly about this, but look at what they accomplished with no weapons and just 11 guys who didn’t even speak English? And that proves that sometimes great ideas are actually horrible ideas.” In another tangent, Hyde goes so far as to say: “Great ideas come in all shapes and sizes.

Sam hyde 2070 paradigm shift transcript