I personally would rather change equipment than try to patch my system using cables as tone controls. In addition to this, the more neutral the cables, the more revealing your system will be in regards to showing you what your equipment really sounds like. As Roy Gregory (HiFi+) is saying over and over lately, the cleaner the signal and the quieter the background, the more dynamic the music, given your amp's headroom, as well as the more micro bits that you'll hear and the more real the music will seem. Being one who desires tranparency, the key to my quest seems to be finding cables that are considered as neutral as possible and as quiet as possible. I originally chose the Silent Source Signature power cords because of the way that I listen to music. I didn't think that the two could merge into one until last night when I replaced the Silent Source Signature power cord on my Wadia 581se CD Player with a Silent Source Music Reference power cord. The term normally used for this is musicality. The second way seems to be where someone simply wants to enjoy the music for the pleasure it brings as a whole. I want to hear how all of the parts fit together into the song. I'm used to breaking songs apart instrument by instrument as if I'm trying to learn the song. I want to hear what each instrument is doing. First, there is the way that I listen, the term normally used is transparency. One of the things I've come across is that there seems to be one of two primary ways that we listen to music.
Since 1972, as you can imagine, I've been through a lot of equipment and learned a lot of lessons upon the upgrade path. I started buying stereo equipment in 1972 when I went away to college. I've been an audiophile since the late sixties when I went to visit my cousins and my uncle had an AR turntable, Fisher tube receiver and Empire speakers.

I've been into music since 1965, when I first heard "The House Of The Rising Sun" on the car radio. I'm 55 years old and I've played music since grade school. I'm glad to have experiences and opinions, and I'm happy to share them them freely. I've received a number of personal emails myself from fellow Audiogoners asking for my thoughts on certain items. Others are Peter Israelson (formerly of StarSound), John Pharo (The Cable Company), Lloyd Walker and Roy Gregory (HiFi+). Some of the many people I follow are Roger (Irish65), Robert (Strapper211), Dave (Calloway), ? (Teajay), John ( Jmcgrogan2) and John (Jafox). I definitely do, I follow them as they go through their equipment upgrades and I read with special attention their advice in the discussion forum. I believe that anyone who's been on Audiogon for a good length of time have certain people that they follow. It's when you're swallowed up with emotion and just melt in your chair, bathed in the feeling that you've arrived in sonic heaven. While it's great to experience that feeling, there's another reaction that I like even more. I think that most of us here on Audiogon have found more than one item or piece of equipment that has made us sit up and go "Wow!".